

  • Blacklab Entertainment
  • Imagination Design Works


  • VVS Films

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Malheureusement, les coréalisateurs ont sous-exploité le potentiel labyrinthique du gigantesque décor, de même que les quelques éléments originaux de l'intrigue (...).

Louis-Paul Rioux Lire la critique complète

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Thankfully, Winchester leveled my unfair expectations simply by being silly and fun.

Simon Abrams Lire la critique complète

The Wrap

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This kinda-sorta true story about ghosts, guns and a labyrinthine house never adds up to much, even with Dame Helen on hand.

Jason Solomons Lire la critique complète


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Helen Mirren plays a spirit seeker who keeps building rooms onto her haunted mansion in a loopy gothic thriller about (wait for it) gun violence.

Owen Gleiberman Lire la critique complète

Rolling Stone

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Winchester' Review: Real-Life Ghost Story Haunted By Sheer God-Awfulness.

Peter Travers Lire la critique complète

The Hollywood Reporter

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In fairness to the production team, Winchester is a visual treat, its palette aglow with bronze and turquoise tints that suggest colorized Victorian postcards.

Stephen Dalton Lire la critique complète

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Overall, it?s a handsome film that?s not especially scary, but should please genre fans to an extent.

Chris Bumbray Lire la critique complète

Cinema Blend

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They have produced a work that is utterly toothless and boring, full of nothing but cheap jump scares timed out around a trope-filled plot that audiences have seen hundreds of times in bad modern genre films.

Eric Eisenberg Lire la critique complète