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  • Apatow Productions


  • Universal Pictures

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Revues de presse


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La réalisation de David Wain se fait fantaisiste par moments et l'interprétation d'ensemble est réjouissante.

Médiafilm Lire la critique complète

The Hollywood Reporter

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Easygoing comedy doesn't let the extremes of its let-it-all-hang-out premise overwhelm it.

John DeFore Lire la critique complète

Cinema Blend

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While some of that sketch mentality continues to linger in his work, the filmmaker's newest title, Wanderlust, has a more developed story structure, aided by hliarious performances and a great story.

Eric Eisenberg Lire la critique complète

La Presse

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Le film montrait pourtant tous les signes de la consensualité inoffensive, mais se révèle juste assez absurde, acidulé et osé pour provoquer de francs éclats de rire.

Philippe Renaud Lire la critique complète


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Plus efficace que mémorable, Wanderlust est un petit délire inoffensif et un peu éparpillé qui comporte son lot de moments presque cultes.

Martin Gignac Lire la critique complète


Très bon
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Still, Wanderlust is a funny flick, boasting a pleasant, likable cast, and more than a few honest belly laughs. If you like Rudd, Aniston, and the gang from The State this is an easy sell.

Still, WANDERLUST is a funny flick, boasting a pleasant, likable cast, and more than a few honest belly laughs. If you like Rudd, Aniston, and the gang from THE STATE this is an easy sell. Chris Bumbray Lire la critique complète

USA Today

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Though Wanderlust has a silly-funny premise and moments of inspired lunacy, it wanders aimlessly and runs some weak gags into the ground.

Claudia Puig Lire la critique complète

Rolling Stone

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Paul Rudd is the best friend a movie comedy can have. He always delivers the goods and something extra, usually something wild and weirdly wonderful.

Peter Travers Lire la critique complète

The New York Times

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Poking fun at the beard-wearing, meat-abstaining neo-hippie hordes is, as the director David Wain shows in his mostly funny comedy Wanderlust, about as hard as shooting tofu in a barrel.

Manohla Dargis Lire la critique complète