

  • Pixar Animation Studios
  • Walt Disney Pictures


  • Walt Disney Pictures Canada

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It's a bit predictable at this point to anoint the latest Pixar film a home run, but Finding Dory is indeed that; a vibrant, energetic comedy with the expected dose of profundity sprinkled in. It may not be a grand slam like some of their others, but you'll still take a homer, right?

Eric Walkuski Lire la critique complète

The Hollywood Reporter

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In other words, while rambunctious and passably humorous, this offspring isn't nearly as imaginative and nimble-minded as the forerunner that spawned it. 

Todd McCarthy Lire la critique complète


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Finding Dory, the ingeniously pleasing sequel to Finding Nemo, opens with a scene that merges our affection for a beloved character with a bit of a jolt. 

Owen Gleiberman Lire la critique complète

The Wrap

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This sequel to Finding Nemo is less of an assault on the tear ducts, but the laughs and thrills more than compensate.

Alonso Duralde Lire la critique complète


Très bon
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Force est de constater que cet univers marin n'a rien perdu de son charme. Au contraire, les avancées dans le domaine de l'animation numérique lui ont offert une cure de Jouvence.

Manon Dumais Lire la critique complète

Cinema Blend

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On a scale of Cars 2 to Toy Story 3, Finding Dory is about on par with Monsters University - successfully delivering more of characters that audiences love, while also not quite reaching the level of its predecessor.

Eric Eisenberg Lire la critique complète

Rolling Stone

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If Finding Dory lacks the fresh surprise of its predecessor, it still brims with humor, heart and animation miracles. Over the end credits, Sia sings « Unforgettable ». She got that right.

Peter Travers Lire la critique complète

Entertainment Weekly

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Still, one of the biggest and most pleasant surprises in a film with too few of them is just how resonant Dory will be for parents of kids with learning disabilities. To them, life can feel like a very lonely struggle where anxiety constantly reaches for you like a psychological undertow.

Chris Nashawaty Lire la critique complète

Très bon
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If Finding Nemo felt like a blissful day at the beach, then Finding Dory is an eventful afternoon at an aquatic park—or, in this case, the Marine Life Institute that, as the omniscient recorded voice of Sigourney Weaver re-assures any PC-oriented visitors to the facility, is dedicated not to human amusement but to « Rescue, Rehabilitation and Release » . The result might be less fulfilling this time, but Finding Dory is ultimately worth the voyage.

Susan Wloszczyna Lire la critique complète

La Presse

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C'est Pixar avec une bonne dose de Disney. Moins inventif, et moins satirique, que l'épisode originel ou que le récent Inside Out. Plus «familial», disons, avec morale fleur bleue à la clé.

Marc Cassivi Lire la critique complète

Agence QMI

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Si Trouver Doris fait passer 97 minutes distrayantes aux petits, les grands, eux, seront nettement moins ravis d'avoir dû y assister.

Isabelle Hontebeyrie Lire la critique complète


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Proposant peu de nouveautés, Finding Dory n'échappe pas de l'ombre de son prédécesseur. Pourtant, grâce à son sens du rythme et ses gags visuels très réussis, le film s'avère être un divertissement de qualité en dépit de son manque d'originalité.

Olivier Bouchard Lire la critique complète