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Bavard, parfois lourd et prévisible, le récit mis en scène avec fluidité ménage également plusieurs surprises et gags audacieux, qui relancent constamment l'intérêt.

Louis-Paul Rioux Lire la critique complète

Cinema Blend

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Top Five basically gives Chris Rock a chance to chomp down on the hand that normally feeds him. Not content to stop there, he essentially takes a machete, douses the blade with gasoline, ignites the lethal sword and starts swinging at all types of obvious but still deserving targets.

Sean O'Connell Lire la critique complète

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The surprising thing about Top Five overall is that it's not afraid of sentimentality or sweetness, perhaps something of a progression for the normally cynical Rock.

Eric Walkuski Lire la critique complète

The Hollywood Reporter

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The writing is strong enough that when the humor gives way to drama in the second half, there's enough at stake to keep us interested, although Rock still has plenty of jokes in store for the finale (...).

Jordan Mintzer Lire la critique complète

Rolling Stone

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Top Five is Rock's best movie by a mile. It's authentically hilarious.

Peter Travers Lire la critique complète


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Rock is enormously appealing here, balancing his patented comic abrasiveness with a real tenderness, the faint bewilderment of an ordinary man blindsided by his own success

Scott Foundas Lire la critique complète

The Wrap

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Top Five is that movie precisely so good and yet still so flawed that you can watch greatness slip out of its ambitious but awkward reach right in front of your eyes.

James Rocchi Lire la critique complète

Entertainment Weekly

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While Top Five isn't exactly Rock's Annie Hall, it is him riffing in the key of Woody Allen, deftly juggling introspection, romance, and slapstick. You come away from it with the thrilling sensation that you're seeing an artist you thought you knew reinvent himself.

Chris Nashawaty Lire la critique complète

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Ragged around the edges and haphazardly hilarious though it may be, Top Five ultimately satisfies as an often raunchy ramble about celebrity, sobriety, selling out and sex, courtesy of the immensely talented but too-often subpar movie star Chris Rock.

Susan Wloszczyna Lire la critique complète