

Version originale en anglais




  • Atlas Entertainment
  • DC comics
  • DC Entertainment
  • The Safran Company
  • Warner Bros. Pictures


  • Warner Bros. Canada

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Gunn has brought the B-movie sense of humor and brazenly adult level of violence that he honed working with Troma Entertainment in the 1990s to his first DC adaptation, even giving his mentor Lloyd Kaufman a cameo.

Brian Tallerico Lire la critique complète

The Wrap

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Incoming writer-director James Gunn mostly nails the balance between hard-R violence and outrageous laughs

Alonso Duralde Lire la critique complète


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The movie has humor and style to burn, and not much else. For some, that will be more than enough.

Bilge Ebiri Lire la critique complète


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Back from the wilderness, the director of Guardians of the Galaxy delivers the cunningly scuzzy throwaway that the first Suicide Squad should have been.

Owen Gleiberman Lire la critique complète

The Hollywood Reporter

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That's only one of the welcome surprises in The Suicide Squad -- a movie whose biggest surprise is that it deserves to exist at all.

John DeFore Lire la critique complète


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It is Mr. Gunn's voice here in every scene, in every blood-soaked encounter, every brilliantly placed song, and every moment of humor and heart it's because of James Gunn - as well as the incredible talent he brought with him.

Jimmy O Lire la critique complète

Cinema Blend

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Be it Marvel or DC, the genre is better for having Gunn's sensibilities as a key flavor in the mix, and The Suicide Squad is almost like trophy that celebrates everything that he's been able to accomplish.

Eric Eisenberg Lire la critique complète

Journal de Montréal

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Pas de doute: en permettant à James Gunn de prendre les rênes de cette franchise, les studios Warner viennent d'insuffler une bienheureuse folie à l'univers DC, laquelle est particulièrement bienvenue et fait beaucoup de bien.

Isabelle Hontebeyrie Lire la critique complète

La Presse

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On peut difficilement dire du mal de The Suicide Squad. Dans le genre, on frôle la perfection.

Pascal Leblanc Lire la critique complète


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Bien que sérieusement débile, inégal et trop long, l'ensemble séduit par sa galerie de personnages excentriques (dont le mémorable King Shark - homme-enfant-requin, qui a la voix de Sylvester Stallone!), défendus avec aplomb, humour et parfois même, avec émotion.

Georges Privet Lire la critique complète