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  • Mundy Lane Entertainment
  • Netflix Studios


  • Equinoxe Films
  • Netflix

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Revues de presse


Très bon
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While most of the cast is the same that appeared on Broadway, the movie is undeniably Deadwyler's show.

Peter Debruge Lire la critique complète

The Hollywood Reporter

Très bon
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The director has assembled a strong cast, whose committed performances do the playwright's famed drama justice. But the duty can also be limiting, and there are times when The Piano Lesson is too faithful, struggling to shake the specter of the stage.

Lovia Gyarkye Lire la critique complète

Entertainment Weekly

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August Wilson is a poet of the American stage. In the hands of this remarkable cast and Washington's assured direction, Wilson's work finds its best conduit to the screen yet.

Maureen Lee Lenker Lire la critique complète


Lire la critique

Adaptation fidèle de la pièce d'August Wilson. Propos identitaire fort. Éléments fantastiques dynamisant un quasi huis clos bavard. J.D. Washington théâtral. D. Deadwyler déchirante.

Louis-Paul Rioux Lire la critique complète