


  • Blumhouse Productions
  • Lionsgate


  • D Films

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D'une esthétique clinique misant sur la froideur du métal et les éclairages bleutés, l'ensemble captive toutefois grâce à son atmosphère tendue et à l'efficacité de sa réalisation.

Manon Dumais Lire la critique complète


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Nul doute que The Lazarus Effect se retrouvera bientôt sur les tablettes des quelques magasins vidéo qui ont évité la faillite.

Élie Castiel Lire la critique complète


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Le résultat est certes parfois un peu maladroit mais ce petit film n'en demeure pas moins plein de charme et très divertissant.

Jean-Marie Lanlo Lire la critique complète


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In the end, The Lazarus Effect is pretty bad but it’ll be forgotten by audiences so quickly that's it's really barely worth reviewing.

Chris Bumbray Lire la critique complète

The Wrap

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(...) “The Lazarus Effect” is a smart, unsubtle chiller that should leave even a dedicated horror fan shaken and spooked from its opening scene’s revelations to its final scene's implications.

James Rocchi Lire la critique complète


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Walking out of The Lazarus Effect, the only question I had is why so many talented people signed on for a project that by all rights is the kind of thing generally made by complete unknowns who then fervently try to deny its existence if they wind up making it big sometime down the line. 

Peter Sobczynski Lire la critique complète


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Tech credits range from adequate to above average, most notably the special effects makeup employed on Wilde, but it's a safe bet this won't be a career highlight for anyone on either side of the camera.

Geoff Berkshire Lire la critique complète

The Hollywood Reporter

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Becoming progressively less interesting as the body count rises and Zoe's eyes turn hellishly black, the film  squanders whatever potential it had, not to mention the talents of such performers as Duplass and Wilde who clearly deserve better.

Frank Scheck Lire la critique complète