


  • Gloria Sanchez Productions
  • IM Global
  • Sidney Kimmel Entertainment


  • VVS Films

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Feu roulant de situations cocasses et de dialogues aussi lucides que désopilants, cette comédie sentimentale, mise en scène avec vivacité, doit beaucoup à la belle chimie opérant entre la pétillante Alison Brie (The Kings of Summer) et le sympathique Jason Sudeikis (Horrible Bosses).

Manon Dumais Lire la critique complète


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Le charme différent mais complémentaire des deux interprètes principaux, Allison Brie et Jason Sudekis, capte facilement l'intérêt dans ce parcours émotionnel où les détours et les arrière-plans contiennent assez de surprises pour que l'issue prévisible soit dignement retardée jusqu'à un générique final aux allures grivoises.

Luc Chaput Lire la critique complète

The Hollywood Reporter

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But if the film fulfills its duty by providing emotionally the romcom equivalent of a money shot, it delays the gratification in interesting ways. And even if the supporting characters are stock types for the genre - the gently bickering married couple who look on smilingly, the zinger-dispensing gay best friend - they're well drawn enough to add heft and credibility to the film's overall smart-mouthed, New York sophisticate milieu.

Leslie Felperin Lire la critique complète


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Essentially an updated When Harry Met Sally … with texting (or, as Headland described the characters at the Sundance preem, « with a–holes »), two quippy New Yorkers spend more than 90 minutes trying to answer whether a man and a woman can be friends without romance entering the picture.

Geoff Berkshire Lire la critique complète


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There's a kind of headlong artist who works quickly, in an agitated state, not always knowing what he or she is going for but knowing when it's gotten. That's how I think of Leslye Headlong - sorry, Headland - writing the romantic comedy Sleeping With Other People. 

David Edelstein Lire la critique complète

The Wrap

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Jason Sudeikis, Alison Brie Lead Smartest, Bawdiest Rom-Com Since Bridesmaids.

Alonso Duralde Lire la critique complète

Entertainment Weekly

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Headland doesn't know quite how to wrangle her ending, and Lainey and Jake's chemistry feels more like one of those burning-log videos than a real Antony-and-Cleopatra blaze. Still, it's a smart, flawed movie about smart, flawed people.

Leah Greenblatt Lire la critique complète