


  • Relativity Media
  • Universal Studios


  • Alliance Vivafilm

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Un voyage parfois un peu trop éparpillé et tape-à-l'oeil qui mérite tout de même le détour.

Martin Gignac Lire la critique complète


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Abstraction faite de quelques développements peu convaincants, cette adaptation du roman d'Alan Glynn captive et tient en haleine.

Louis-Paul Rioux Lire la critique complète

The Gazette

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Instead of maximizing the potential of its intriguing premise, Limitless gets boxed in by Hollywood formula. Director Neil Burger moves things along swiftly enough to keep us entertained until the end, but he does little more.

T'Cha Dunlevy Lire la critique complète

La Presse

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S'il se révèle parfois intéressant sur le plan visuel, même si la cassure entre le monde réel et « amélioré » est parfois trop systématique, il reste que ce film n'exploite finalement son sujet que pour nourrir sa dose de frissons et de scènes d'action.

Marc-André Lussier Lire la critique complète

Cinema Blend

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In the world of Limitless true genius is The Fonz, wearing leather jackets, riding around on motorcycles, and getting whatever he wants out of life by simply being cooler than everyone else.

Josh Tyler Lire la critique complète


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It's really too bad Limitless ended up being such a mess. There really was the potential for a good film there, and who knows- maybe there's a good version lying on a cutting-room floor somewhere. Suffice to say, this isn't it.

Chris Bumbray Lire la critique complète

The Hollywood Reporter

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Not so disappointing, though, that Relativity Media won't see some smart money heading its way as Cooper goes into overdrive in a performance that makes a script by the estimable Leslie Dixon and quirky direction by Neil Burger seem better than they are.

Kirk Honeycutt Lire la critique complète

USA Today

Très bon
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Limitless, a sci-fi fantasy thriller based on Alan Glynn's novel The Dark Fields, is surprisingly witty. Some of the best lines are delivered sardonically in the intermittent voice-over narration, a device that works better here than in most movies.

Claudia Puig Lire la critique complète

The New York Times

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The dream of a pharmaceutical solution to literary paralysis provides a wisp of a real-world premise for Limitless, an energetic, enjoyably preposterous compound - it's a paranoid thriller blended with pseudo-neuro-science fiction and catalyzed by a jolting dose of satire - directed by Neil Burger.

A. O. Scott Lire la critique complète