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The Hollywood Reporter

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An awesome array of talent doesn't prevent this witlessly profane anthology of comic shorts from being an utter disaster.

Frank Scheck Lire la critique complète

Cinema Blend

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Movie 43 features a long string of loosely connected sketches. Unfortunately for audience members, it doesn't contain enough loosely connected laughs, which is a big problem since it has no plot to fall back on.

Mack Rawden Lire la critique complète

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The rest of the shorts go on and on, like those unfortunate SNL skits that are stuck toward the end of the show in the hopes that no one will notice them, not willing to concede that a broken joke can't be fixed with repetition. Movie 43 is a poo-coated broken joke of a movie.

Eric Walkuski Lire la critique complète

Worst Previews

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The only thing worse than a comedy missing a punchline is a comedy of shorts missing eleven separate punchlines.

Dustin Putman Lire la critique complète