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Very good ^^
Surprisingly very good ! At least far better than expected while watching the trailer or online reviews.
Of course it's not the best movie of the year. Of course it's not the best movie talking about time travel. But it's a very very very decent movie, in my opinion one of the best playing right now.
Yes I know some would prefer to have comments and critics in french here and they are totally right on that. Because Cinoche.com has the trailer in french for this movie unavailable (broken?) it means we are forced to watch it in english. As a result I decided to do the same thing with my comment : french comment is unavailable, please try again later.
Futur ou passé?
Ce film est bon, mais il est mélangeant. Nous ne savons jamais dans quelle époque ils sont, mais il est très bon.
Project Almanac movie review | The Slate Clap
In his debut as full length film Director we have Dean Israelite
teaming with the writers of Paranormal Activity to bring this found
footage film. So prepare your brain suspension for a bumpy shaking cam
ones more.
So I will star from the good parts. This movie has some moments of
clever comedy and references that were made very well. I enjoyed those
moments maybe for the context, or the clever way were maid or just as a
moment to escape from the paradox.
Found footage with background music, cuts and angle jumps. Come on guys,
the idea was to make this believable. So yeah I am going to take the
pill that this kids need to put all their live in to the lens of a
camera, no problem.
The script is in a way interesting, I am not going to say original.
There are some inconsistencies in some parts but again they are trying
to make you believe something impossible and unless you let it happen it
will fail.
And that might be the big revelation of the movie. The actual time
travel has to happen in your head. For a 16 year old group of kids, you
are good, no exercise for you. But for me that almost double your age it
was a bit hard. I wish my mother was next to me to watch it, she would
probably dethatch in the first half and the other half would be snoring.
The thing that got me lost and spiting blood was continuity. Let’s say
that time is like a cake… Yeah a cake… And every jump will make an
additional layer in the cake, the more you jump, the more cake you get.
And when you cut the cake for every layer you see presence, you can see
that in Family guy in the time travel episode or even the people fro
harry potter got that right… but not here, there is two layers in the
cake no matter how many time you jump. Is like hey the movie equation is
getting a kind of clever Michael, What should we do? Well I have tried
this before, just flush it, they will not see it... And let’s say that I
can live with that ok so in this parallel universe this is how it
happens, at this point they could be even in Pandora wearing white hats,
but the ending… two words, purifying element… you could have
done better.
For my full review:
Projet déjà vu
faut aimé les films filmé à l'épaule (ça shakke tout le temps), les plans sur les longues jambes des filles, pis la traduction française avec des termes bizarre... c'est zarbi! émoticône winkp.s. la moral de l'histoire, il ne faut pas changé l'histoire émoticône wink
Film pas très original
J'ai vu l'avant première hier l'histoire presque connue s on a lu des livres sur le voyage dans le passé..pas d’événements assez extraordinairemais les effets sont bons