



  • Code Entertainment
  • Aperture Media Partners
  • Envision Media Arts
  • Ice Road Productions
  • Manitoba Film & Music
  • ShivHans Pictures
  • Solution Entertainment Group


  • VVS Films

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Revues de presse

The Wrap

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The downright laughable VFX are just part of the problem with this chilly thriller.

Alonso Duralde Lire la critique complète


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Coming from Netflix in the U.S., Liam Neeson's latest thriller skids on credibility issues but keeps hurtling from crisis to crisis.

Dennis Harvey Lire la critique complète

Rolling Stone

Échec complet
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Let's just say that this thriller about big-rig haulers navigating slippery, frosty terrain is on thin ice in more ways than one.

David Fear Lire la critique complète


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While a B-movie, as are most Neeson flicks these days, I still had a decent enough time with The Ice Road, even if I'm nostalgic for an era where Neeson was considered as legit an actor as someone like Daniel Day-Lewis. I'd love to see him escape the action genre a little more, but as always, he's a likable, sturdy lead even if he's not doing anything you haven't seen him do dozens of times before.

Chris Bumbray Lire la critique complète


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Dommage cependant que les justifications du drame initial soient trop peu crédibles et que certains rebondissements laissent peu de place à l'imprévu.

Charles-Henri Ramond Lire la critique complète