
  • Annapurna Pictures
  • Nitrogen Studios Canada
  • Point Grey Pictures
  • Sony Pictures Animation
  • Sony Pictures Entertainment (SPE)


  • Sony Pictures

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Cinema Blend

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Gloriously unfiltered X-rated filth, Sausage Party is outrageous, lurid, crude absurdity, but consistently hilarious, even borderline genius, and the most fun you'll have in a cinema this year.

Greg Wakeman Lire la critique complète


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Ici, en plus de formuler une étonnante réflexion théologique, les auteurs fantasment sur une résolution du conflit palestinien, à travers les échanges drolatiques entre un pita et un bagel (doublé de manière allénienne par Edward Norton).

Louis-Paul Rioux Lire la critique complète

Agence QMI

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Complètement irrévérencieux, inventif en diable, Party de saucisses est une indéniable bouffée d'air frais (saluons le fait que le long métrage a été produit, entre autres, par un studio canadien) dans l'air saturé de cet été aux multiples flops. Un conseil, trouvez une gardienne pour les enfants et allez donc passer une excellente soirée devant cet hilarant Party de saucisses.

Isabelle Hontebeyrie Lire la critique complète

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It's such a hard movie to talk about because the pleasures lay in the surprises, and I'm not about to give anything else away. 

Eric Walkuski Lire la critique complète

Rolling Stone

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Sausage Party shows us how we are what we eat, drink and buy into. All the products in Rogen's market - the animation is killer - talk four-letter shit but still believe in being purchased and taken to the Great Beyond, a grand illusion the film quickly shatters in scenes of carnage to rival Saving Private Ryan.

Peter Travers Lire la critique complète


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For those of you who have ever envisioned Seth Rogen reconstituted as an anthropomorphic processed meat product - and you know who you are - Sausage Party may be savored as, if not a dream come true, then a drug-fueled hallucination without the potentially harmful side effects.

Joe Leydon Lire la critique complète


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There are glimpses of that in the film, whether it's the Douche's jokes or the truly ridiculous last scene, but they're not enough. They only give flashes of the stupid movie that could've been.

Jesse David Fox Lire la critique complète

The Wrap

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There's a goofy spree of a movie buried deep within Sausage Party, but it's missing both the spree and the goofs. This comedy needed to be a lot smarter if it wanted to succeed at being this stupid.

Alonso Duralde Lire la critique complète

Entertainment Weekly

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As outrageously un-PC as these scenes are, they're far sharper than the aimless, scatological stoner humor that pads out so much of the script. That's the movie's real food for thought; the rest is just munchies. 

Leah Greenblatt Lire la critique complète

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Anyway, this tack actually continues up until the film's dénouement, the only portion of it to wrangle a chuckle out of me. Your mileage may vary, as they say. Also, hugs not drugs.

Glenn Kenny Lire la critique complète