

  • 20th Century Studios
  • Broken Road Productions


  • Disney+


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Revues de presse


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It concludes with its characters literally taking a plunge into the unknown in a repeat of a scene from earlier in the film, but if we don't believe in this supposedly transcendent connection, it's hard to care about where they land.

Christy Lemire Lire la critique complète


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John Cena continues his evolution from WWE grappler to ace comic actor in a comedy that pairs mismatched couples.

Joe Leydon Lire la critique complète

The Hollywood Reporter

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And unlike Cena and Howery's scenes, Orji and Hagner's screen time lacks humor and realism. While these flaws don't completely detract from the film, they do make it harder to fully buy in.

Lovia Gyarkye Lire la critique complète

Le Soleil

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[...] comédie légère carburant à bien des excès.

Geneviève Bouchard Lire la critique complète