

  • Black Bear Pictures
  • Camp Grey
  • Dragonfly Entertainment
  • Elevated Films
  • Sobras International Pictures


  • Les Films Séville


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Aux côtés d'un Keanu Reeves consentant mais mal à l'aise, Lorenza Izzo et Ana de Armas prêtent charme, humour et mordant à ce thriller adolescent, qui ne parvient jamais à transcender ses origines.

Georges Privet Lire la critique complète

The Hollywood Reporter

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Such a film would likely have trouble with the audience this one is courting. But it would probably be a lot more interesting.

John DeFore Lire la critique complète

The Los Angeles Times

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En fin de compte, Eli Roth livre, avec Knock Knock, une énième variation sur un thème connu, et dont le scénario aurait gagné à être resserré et ajusté.

Isabelle Hontebeyrie Lire la critique complète


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But Knock Knock isn't the movie to turn to for a lesson in the evils of cheating; it's a six-pack and popcorn cheesefest that has never heard of the word subtlety.

Eric Walkuski Lire la critique complète

Entertainment Weekly

Très bon
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It’s just a sadistic, softcore thriller whose message is nothing more or less than: Don’t cheat on your partner(...).

Chris Nashawaty Lire la critique complète

The Wrap

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Director Eli Roth remakes the ’70s grindhouse movie “Death Game,” and he mines the material for laughs and titillation as well as scares.

Dan Callahan Lire la critique complète

The Gazette

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Instead, the ending—with its revelation of what these girls were really after all along—is so frustrating, you’re likely to wonder: Is that all there is?

Christy Lemire Lire la critique complète