


  • Cube Vision
  • Universal Pictures
  • Will Packer Productions


  • Universal Pictures

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Revues de presse

The Hollywood Reporter

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The Miami setting provides the impetus both for the requisite, numerous shots of sexy girls in bikinis and for Hart to wear a series of increasingly garish outfits that render him a walking sight gag.

Frank Scheck Lire la critique complète


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Ice Cube and Kevin Hart reteam, and add Ken Jeong to their ranks, in this tired, witless and potentially lucrative sequel.

Justin Chang Lire la critique complète

The Wrap

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Two accomplished comedians are reduced to a shrill Lucy and Ricky Ricardo (with guns) in this plodding follow-up.

Alonso Duralde Lire la critique complète

Entertainment Weekly

Très bon
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Action comedies must seem like no-brainers for quadrant-minded studios. Audiences like laughs and explosions, so why not have both?

Kevin P. Sullivan Lire la critique complète


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At some point in between the gun-glorifying shootouts and the ridiculous vehicular chases that end in an explosive inferno that would scare even Dante, Ride Along 2 pulls over now and then to engage in comical repartee. 

Susan Wloszczyna Lire la critique complète


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À la fois suite et décalque d'un succès-surprise de 2014, cette comédie policière ne brille guère par sa subtilité. Ni par la rigueur de son scénario, qui reprend paresseusement la structure de Lethal Weapon 2.

Louis-Paul Rioux Lire la critique complète