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  • Apelles Entertainment
  • Flagship Entertainment Group
  • Gravity Pictures
  • Maeday Productions


  • Warner Bros. Canada

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Revues de presse

Ton Canapé

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Somme toute, vous devinerez que The Meg saura vous divertir, vous donner la frousse et vous faire rire quelques fois, mais c'est à peu près tout.

Frédéric Bourgeois Leblanc Lire la critique complète


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Non, vraiment! Comment a-t-on pu porter au grand écran pareil concept de série B (lui-même inspiré d'un comic-book paru en 1997) en se prenant à ce point au sérieux?

Martin Bilodeau Lire la critique complète


Très bon
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And when The Meg finally arrives at its most overt Jaws reference, the film proves to be more clever and amusing than one might ordinarily expect under the circumstances. Who could ask for anything more - except for more sharkpunching, of course.

Peter Sobczynski Lire la critique complète

The Wrap

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This monster-shark movie delivers a handful of decent PG-13 scares, but the characters are just chum.

Alonso Duralde Lire la critique complète


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Instead, The Meg is a more or less straight-ahead B-movie thriller, with a heavy injection of Chinese financing and a rather shocking thirst for bloody whale carcasses.

Emily Yoshida Lire la critique complète


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Jason Statham leads a B-movie giant-shark thriller that wants to be Jaws on steroids. The trouble is, it's neither good enough - nor bad enough.

Owen Gleiberman Lire la critique complète

Rolling Stone

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How do you make a blockbuster movie starring a superhuman action star and a giant prehistoric monster that's so deadly dull? Let us count the ways.

David Fear Lire la critique complète

The Hollywood Reporter

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Blandly internationalized, generically derivative, drained of any personality, edited as if by computer and bleached of the slightest hint of emotion other than a holiday card-like sympathy for children and allegedly cute animals, The Meg is a one hundred percent inorganic meal, something made from pre-tasted and then regurgitated ingredients.

Todd McCarthy Lire la critique complète


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The Meg isn't a particularly horrible movie, but it's definitely a mediocre one. While it's technically a much more proficient movie than something like Jaws 3D, I bet you'd have more fun staying home and watching the latter. After all - fun is the name of the game for a movie like this. Sadly, I didn't have much.

Chris Bumbray Lire la critique complète

Cinema Blend

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In the process of attempting to make The Meg a movie full of stupid fun, they forgot to have fun, but stayed square in the lane of stupid.

Mike Reyes Lire la critique complète