Magic last danse ?
This Magic Mike ...I enjoyed it ...was a meeting of Dirty Dancing ( as I should) with the show Absolutely Fabulous & the movie All that jazz...good dance movie, unfortunately too many little things are too farfetched and make the story line incredible. The aim of a dance movie is the Dance...which were very good. The interest of us , the spectator would have been increase by more time spend on rehearsal & less on the family life issues of the main female character. Spectators left during the projection some came back but it show their lack of interest of the story line?
Jai aimé ce Magic Mike...qui est un peu la rencontre de Dirty Dancing, Absolutely fabulous et All that jazz...bon, malheureusement trop de petites choses farfelues dans la trame narrative pour la rendre crédible le but d'un film de danse...est la danse qui est très bonne. On aurait eu intérêt à passer un peu plus de temps sur les répétitions et moins sur la vie familiale du personnage féminin principale. D'ailleurs des spectateurs ont quitté la projection, certaines sont revenu mais cela.démontre leur manque d'intérêt pour cette trame narrative?