


  • Cattleya
  • Cornerstone Films
  • Edver Films
  • Idea(L)
  • Ingenious Media
  • Lipsync
  • New Sparta Films
  • Vocab Films


  • TVA Films

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While Collette plays the premise for laughs, it's about time we saw how women might run such an organization.

Paul Debruge Lire la critique complète

The Hollywood Reporter

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In contrast to Bellucci, who underplays in dignified fashion, Collette works hard, very hard, to sell the concept and her character. That she fails is not an insult to her formidable gifts, but rather due to the flimsiness of the material, which seems better suited to the small screen.

Frank Scheck Lire la critique complète


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The incomparable Toni Collette saves this otherwise generic comedy from director Catherine Hardwicke.

Alex Maidy Lire la critique complète


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Dans la peau d'une quadragénaire renfrognée qui trouve enfin sa voie au contact de la pègre, Toni Collette (également coproductrice) cabotine au point d'être horripilante. Contrairement à la sobre et posée Monica Bellucci, hélas, pratiquement réduite au rang de faire-valoir de luxe.

Charles-Henri Ramond Lire la critique complète