


  • The Tyler Perry Company


  • Alliance Vivafilm

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Revues de presse

Cinema Blend

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For the past few years, the director has perfected his talent and started making the type of movies that indicate he could eventually produce something special. This is a bit of a step backwards, but it's not a failure.

Mack Rawden Lire la critique complète

The Hollywood Reporter

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Tyler Perry's plus-sized drag alter ego returns in yet another witless installment of her ongoing cinematic saga.

Frank Scheck Lire la critique complète

The New York Times

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Tyler Perry has his Madea character on a leash in the latest movie in that franchise, Tyler Perry's Madea's Witness Protection, a comedy that's too late to the Ponzi-scheme party to be topical, and not outrageous enough to take advantage of its own setups.

Neil Genzlinger Lire la critique complète