


  • Campbell Grobman Films
  • Eclectic Pictures
  • G-BASE
  • Millennium Films


  • VVS Films

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Morgan Freeman, au jeu sobre, vole la vedette à un Gerard Butler bouffi et en petite forme.

Charles-Henri Ramond Lire la critique complète


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These key moments, like any scene featuring great character actors like Tim Blake Nelson and Lance Reddick, are raced through with negligible conviction and even less inspiration.

Simon Abrams Lire la critique complète

The Wrap

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Rather than focus on its lead character's humanity, the dopey script spins a conspiracy that would be laughed off the internet.

Todd Gilchrist Lire la critique complète


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In the third 'Fallen' film, Gerard Butler's Secret Service agent is on the run from a conspiracy in which the preposterous outpowers the fun.

Owen Gleiberman Lire la critique complète

The Hollywood Reporter

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Huston plays it with a sense of focus and entitlement that's at least mildly disturbing even in such an outlandish context (...).

Todd McCarthy Lire la critique complète

The Hollywood Reporter

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I don't know if I would say ANGEL IS FALLEN is the best of the series, but it's certainly the most different of the three, if only in small doses.

David Rooney Lire la critique complète

Cinema Blend

Très bon
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Once an action hero Has Fallen, it's far more interesting when they struggle to get up, and that realization makes Angel a better-than-expected sequel.

Sean O'Connell Lire la critique complète