

  • Walt Disney Pictures


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By contrast, the Hundred Acre Wood - Heffalumps notwithstanding - felt safer and more immune to intrusions from scary adulthood. Even at its most amusing - and there are moments when it is downright hilarious - Christopher Robin can't reconcile its darkness and its light. But if these folks want to write an Eeyore movie that stays firmly planted in the Wood, I'll be first in line to see it.

Odie Henderson Lire la critique complète

The Wrap

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Every childhood deserves the fuzzy, anthropomorphized magic of an imaginary bear - in books and at the movies, too. But this Pooh, alas, is no Paddington 2.

James Greenberg Lire la critique complète

The Wrap

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This semi-live-action Winnie the Pooh sequel is slow and charmless, fit for neither children nor adults.

Alonso Duralde Lire la critique complète


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« I always get to where I'm going by walking away from where I've been, » Pooh ruminates at one point. I find it odd that a figure that has since been appropriated as a kind of Western zen master has been used in service of a story so invested in stopping that walk altogether.

Emily Yoshida Lire la critique complète


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Even those who cried when Andy parted ways with his playthings in Toy Story 3 will be left dry-eyed in Disney's latest live-action reboot.

Paul Debruge Lire la critique complète

Rolling Stone

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And sometimes, when Christopher Robin hits you with a perfectly gentle ribbing or drops an image of McGregor and Pooh sitting together on a log - so much depends on a red balloon glazed with magic-hour light beside the star of Trainspotting - it's more than enough.

David Fear Lire la critique complète

The Hollywood Reporter

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The voice casting is spot-on, with Jim Cummings' work as Pooh beautifully calibrated to express the bear's full awareness of his pronounced shortcomings; it's not the actor's fault that he just has far too many lines to say.

Todd McCarthy Lire la critique complète


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Minus one frantic chase through London and a surprisingly grim opening flashback to WW2, Christopher Robin is among the sweetest, tamest kids films in recent memory - it probably should have scored a G-rating rather than the PG it's going out as.

Chris Bumbray Lire la critique complète

Cinema Blend

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Christopher Robin is a warm blanket of a film that makes you feel like you're spending time with an old friend, putting a smile on your face that's hard to shake.

Mike Reyes Lire la critique complète

La Presse

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Les personnages de peluches (Winnie, Tigrou, Bourriquet, Porcinet, Maître Hibou et compagnie) sont drôles et attachants, même plus que dans le dessin animé. La manière avec laquelle ils bougent, parlent, déboulent des talus et font de gros yeux aux humains qui les regardent un peu trop longtemps est incontestablement réussie.

André Duchesne Lire la critique complète


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Les effets spéciaux qui prêtent vie à Winnie et ses amis sont étonnamment réussis, tout comme la photographie et la direction artistique. En revanche, le ton d'ensemble est chancelant et Ewan McGregor déçoit par son jeu sentimental et forcé. 

Georges Privet Lire la critique complète