


  • Escape Artists
  • Mandate Pictures
  • Management 360


  • Sony Pictures

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Revues de presse


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Hope Springs prend l'allure d'un feuilleton peu inspiré ni mémorable suivant platement l'évolution d'une thérapie de couple. L'intrigue, banale au demeurant, est cependant truffée de répliques piquantes et de troublantes vérités sur les vieux couples aux prises avec la routine, l'incommunicabilité et la panne de désir.

Manon Dumais Lire la critique complète

Agence QMI

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L'intérêt de L'espoir est à Hope Springs réside dans le jeu des acteurs et là, ils sont tous en pleine forme. C'est un délice de les voir user de leur talent avec tant de facilité et de subtilité. Ne manquez pas cet adorable long métrage, il vaut une sortie en amoureux!

Isabelle Hontebeyrie Lire la critique complète

Cinema Blend

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That's pretty much the best the movie has to offer too, the chance to watch these two veterans stake out a very real relationship on screen, while muddling through a film that doesn't offer a whole lot beyond them.

Katey Rich Lire la critique complète


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Hope Springs is a good, solid piece of counter-programing to a summer full of spectacle, and one that will likely find a very receptive audience not only with older viewers, but also people that just want a good, solid story about two genuinely three-dimensional characters.

Chris Bumbray Lire la critique complète

The Hollywood Reporter

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More comedic drama than midlife romantic comedy, rather literally titled Hope Springs holds few surprises but delivers plenty of warmth.

Justin Lowe Lire la critique complète

USA Today

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It's about as uncomfortable as sitting through an interminable counseling session - involving two people you hardly know and don't much care about.

Claudia Puig Lire la critique complète

Rolling Stone

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Streep, a powerhouse inhabiting the role of a timid wife and mother, uses her exquisite timing and no-bull instinct for truth to show us a woman yearning to blossom without knowing how. And Jones matches her with 50 shades of grumpy that give way to something tender in Arnold.

Peter Travers Lire la critique complète

The New York Times

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Hope Springs has modest charms to go with its well-matched and practiced pair of wily scene stealers, but the industry will have to do better if it wants to persuade boomers that there's something for them at the local multiplex other than cartoons and clichés.

Manohla Dargis Lire la critique complète