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The Gazette

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Chan can still get around, but, like the rest of us, he's slowing up. In his early movies, the outtakes over the credits would show Chan falling from great heights or breaking bones. In The Spy Next Door, they show him failing several times to kick a knocked-over chair into an upright position. I know the feeling, Jackie. It means it's nap time.

Jay Stone Lire la critique complète

Cinema Blend

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Even the action scenes, which are the only possible lure for audiences of any age to see this, are filmed so incoherently by director Brian Levant that they feel as lifeless as everything else on the screen.

Katey Rich Lire la critique complète


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Mis à part quelques cascades loufoques assez décoiffantes, ce film d'action familial très quelconque, conçu sur le modèle connu de Kindergarden Cop et The Pacifier, comporte son lot d'incohérences, de sentimentalité et de gags usés.

Louis-Paul Rioux Lire la critique complète

Chicago Sun-Times

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Nothing to a kid is quite as funny as a food fight. A cat trapped on a roof is a suspense-builder. They don't like the guy dating their mom until they save him with their well-timed action moves.

Roger Ebert Lire la critique complète


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Le toujours attachant Chan a presque l'air d'un acteur de talent dans cette enfilade de cascades amusantes où les méchants font figure de grotesques bouffons.

Manon Dumais Lire la critique complète