



  • Film4
  • StudioCanal
  • SunnyMarch


  • SPHÈRE Films

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It's a klutzy way to tell a story, but Crowley is confident that the chemistry between Pugh and Garfield is so compelling, people will want to watch his movie again and again, at which point, Almut and Tobias' memories will have become our memories, and the sequence hardly matters.

Peter Debruge Lire la critique complète

The Wrap

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In a movie whose setup that almost inevitably leads to rampant sentimentality, Pugh and Garfield are enormously charming actors who are also skilled at undercutting their own charm; they commit to the sentiment without yielding to it, making We Live in Time a truly charming and surprisingly rich film.

Steve Pond Lire la critique complète

The Hollywood Reporter

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There's an achingly palpable, playful chemistry between Pugh and Garfield that leaps off the screen. But they also refuse to shy away from letting their characters' less attractive qualities bleed through

Michael Rechtshaffen Lire la critique complète


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A well-made tearjerker, although considering all the talent involved, We Live in Time probably could have been better.

Chris Bumbray Lire la critique complète

Journal de Montréal

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Difficile de ne pas succomber tant au jeu de Florence Pugh et Andrew Garfield qu'à l'histoire poignante de ce drame romantique.

Isabelle Hontebeyrie Lire la critique complète

La Presse

Très bon
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Florence Pugh est d'une grande vérité dans le rôle de la jeune foodie déterminée à réussir sa vie intime autant que ses ambitions professionnelles. Andrew Garfield, à la fois vulnérable et transcendant, fragile et intense, livre une grande performance d'acteur.

Luc Boulanger Lire la critique complète


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Portrait impressionniste et fragmenté. Quelques facilités et effets de style publicitaires. Jeu subtil des deux vedettes.

Georges Privet Lire la critique complète