


  • Dune Films
  • QED International
  • Shangri-La Entertainment
  • Venture Forth


  • VVS Films

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Cinema Blend

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With its flawed approach to character, and wonky structure, Rock The Kasbah is hard to clinically define as a “good” movie, but its merits as a fine and enjoyable one are certainly arguable.

Eric Eisenberg Lire la critique complète


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Whatever its faults, Rock the Kasbah is a true Bill Murray vehicle, and his voice comes through strongly throughout. 

Chris Bumbray Lire la critique complète

The Hollywood Reporter

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Murray knows this character like the back of his hand and frequently hits amusing notes in the role of a not-so-innocent but still oblivious fool who is forced to confront his pathetic reality everyday and barely, just barely, gets by without dealing with it. 

Todd McCarthy Lire la critique complète

Rolling Stone

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All hail Bill Murray, who does wonders for this comedy about a rock manager on the comeback trail.

Peter Travers Lire la critique complète


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Bill Murray heads to Afghanistan in director Barry Levinson's dreadfully misguided farce.

Andrew Barker Lire la critique complète

The Wrap

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Barry Levinson‘s comedy is mostly a schtick delivery system for his star.

Alonso Duralde Lire la critique complète

Entertainment Weekly

Très bon
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Your enjoyment of all this will probably depend heavily on your willingness to let the words romp and Taliban coexist for approximately two hours.

Leah Greenblatt Lire la critique complète


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Just when I was ready to give up on “Rock the Kasbah,” she performs a gorgeous version of Cat Stevens’ “Peace Train” and—in the context of the movie—the words to the ‘70s easy-listening staple shine anew with fresh relevance. 

Susan Wloszczyna Lire la critique complète

Le Devoir

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Brouillonne et paresseuse, sa réalisation souligne davantage les carences du scénario. Aux côtés de Bill Murray, qui nous refait le coup du gars blasé, mais avec encore plus de nonchalance que d'habitude, la talentueuse Leem Lubany se contente d'offrir de charmantes versions de grands succès de Cat Stevens.

Manon Dumais Lire la critique complète

La Presse

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Même si les images sont jolies et que la jeune Salima a beaucoup de talent, l'histoire est sans grand intérêt. On trouve donc le temps bien long lors de cette interminable virée en Afghanistan.

Catherine Schlager Lire la critique complète