

  • 21 Laps Entertainment
  • Lionsgate
  • No Trace Camping


  • Les Films Séville

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Revues de presse

La Presse

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Pris séparément, les éléments du long métrage Kin sont intéressants. Mais, maillés les uns aux autres, ils forment un assemblage scénaristique malheureusement bancal. 

Marc-André Lussier Lire la critique complète


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Peu rigoureux, le récit passe de la chronique familiale vériste aux péripéties de série B confinant au ridicule.

Louis-Paul Rioux Lire la critique complète


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By the time Kin stumbles to its conclusion, moviegoers may want to do the same thing to the filmmakers.

Peter Sobczynski Lire la critique complète

The Wrap

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This debut feature from Jonathan and Josh Baker wants to launch a franchise, but it can't even juggle sci-fi with family drama.

Todd Gilchrist Lire la critique complète


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Fleeing bad guys is definitely easier with a ray gun in this road-trip thriller with a sci-fi twist.

Dennis Harvey Lire la critique complète

The Hollywood Reporter

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The material's promise isn't fully realized, but at the feature's strongest there's something exhilarating about its detour onto backroads, away from prefab superheroics.

Sheri Linden Lire la critique complète


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Still, it's all a little forgettable, and certainly, this will be the type of thing you forget all about once leaving the theater, even if it's a decent watch. Again, this probably just isn't the right market for it, and there was a time when a decent sci-fi B-movie might have been ok theatrically, but given all the competition out there, KIN is too modest to survive.

Chris Bumbray Lire la critique complète

Cinema Blend

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It shouldn't be a problem for those who do take a chance on Kin to not only fall into its rather unique universe, but to come out on the other side wanting to see what happens next.

Mike Reyes Lire la critique complète