


  • Paramount Pictures
  • Scott Free Enterprises
  • Parkes+MacDonald Image Nation
  • Red Wagon Films


  • Paramount Pictures

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KinoCulture Montréal

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Et dans tout ce décor entre le kitsch épique et le péplum respectueux, une atmosphère homoérotique latente, qui déjà, se manifestait dans les films italiens du même genre dans les années 1960. Mais aujourd'hui, ce constat est encore plus évident.

Élie Castiel Lire la critique complète

The Wrap

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One emerges from the theater thinking we may have just had a good time, but the more it sits with you, the more you realize that no matter how epic the battles were -- and they certainly were epic -- they didn't have anywhere near the same impact as the original.

William Bibbiani Lire la critique complète

The Hollywood Reporter

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In terms of brutal spectacle, elaborate period reconstruction and vigorous set pieces requiring complex choreography, the sequel delivers what fans of its Oscar-winning 2000 predecessor will crave -- battles, swordplay, bloodshed, Ancient Roman intrigue. That said, there's a déjà vu quality to much of the new film, a slavishness that goes beyond the caged men forced to fight for their survival, and seeps into the very bones of a drama overly beholden to the original.

David Rooney Lire la critique complète


Très bon
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The movie is a solid piece of neoclassical popcorn -- a serviceable epic of brutal warfare, Colosseum duels featuring lavish decapitations and beasts both animal and human, along with the middlebrow "decadence" of palace intrigue.

Owen Gleiberman Lire la critique complète

Entertainment Weekly

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As with its predecessor, what elevates Gladiator II in the cinematic arena is the ways its themes and dialogue underpin its outrageous spectacle. David Scarpa's script is also fiercely intelligent.

Maureen Lee Lenker Lire la critique complète

Cinema Blend

Très bon
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Ridley Scott's long-awaited sequel always had big sandals to fill.

Sarah El-Mahmoud Lire la critique complète


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Ridley Scott's Gladiator II is a solid, faithful sequel to the original and contains a standout performance by Denzel Washington.

Chris Bumbray Lire la critique complète

Journal de Montréal

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Ridley Scott a beau conjurer l'esprit de Russell Crowe à de nombreuses reprises, ce deuxième volet avec Paul Mescal, Pedro Pascal, Connie Nielsen et Denzel Washington ne possède pas les charmes de son prédécesseur. 

Isabelle Hontebeyrie Lire la critique complète


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Suite aux airs de remake. Scénario riche en morceaux de bravoure mais pauvre en émotions. Mise en scène experte et somptueuse. Composition fascinante de D. Washington.

Georges Privet Lire la critique complète