


  • Blue Sky Studios
  • Davis Entertainment
  • 20th Century Fox


  • 20th Century Fox

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Porté à l'écran deux ans plus tard dans un charmant court métrage de Walt Disney, ce bref conte pour enfants est ici étiré outre mesure, à coups de développements convenus et de courses poursuites échevelées mais superflues, pour satisfaire au format du long métrage. 

Louis-Paul Rioux Lire la critique complète


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Enough of that kind of bull. What the world needs now is Ferdinand, sweet Ferdinand, a rare breed of bovine who takes a stand against aggression, competitive rivalry and conforming to the expectations of others.

Susan Wloszczyna Lire la critique complète

The Wrap

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A familiar message goes down easy with plenty of laughs and visual delights.

Alonso Duralde Lire la critique complète

The Hollywood Reporter

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The voice work is similarly nimble, but although Cena and McKinnon are terrific, it might have been nice to have heard Hispanic actors in the lead roles rather than just the supporting ones.

Michael Rechtshaffen Lire la critique complète


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Rather, this is the quickie movie you take the kids to if Star Wars is sold out, but in that regard it does its job just fine. The young ones will love it, and parents, while not floored by it, will no doubt think its money well spent.

Chris Bumbray Lire la critique complète

Cinema Blend

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Ferdinand has laughs and bright, colorful animation. There just isn't enough there for whoever ends up taking the kids to the theater.

Dirk Libbey Lire la critique complète