




  • Marc Platt Productions
  • Universal Pictures


  • Universal Pictures

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Revues de presse

Entertainment Weekly

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As Evan's mom, the ever-reliable Julianne Moore delivers one of the film's few poignant moments in a musical number late in the film. Dever, too, finds some crumb of insight in Zoe's ambivalence about her brother's death; of the whole cast, the Booksmart actress gets the closest to pulling off a credible character in this hyper-engineered world of tragedy exploited and truth forsaken -- and of songs. The songs work.

Mary Sollosi Lire la critique complète

The Wrap

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If you have a heart and any kind of tolerance for musicals, at some point you will probably surrender to Stephen Chbosky's adaptation.

Steve Pond Lire la critique complète


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It would be nice if they could take something positive away from this well-intentioned movie, but for me, it only provoked a harshly negative reaction despite Dever's best efforts and a few good songs.

Chris Bumbray Lire la critique complète

Cinema Blend

Très bon
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Dear Evan Hansen is a tear-jerker, with Ben Platt proving why he's back as the title character.

Corey Chichizola Lire la critique complète

KinoCulture Montréal

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La mise en scène reste bancale, l'interprétation obsessive, la proposition déjantée par tant de considérations, la plupart maladroitement imbriquées.

Élie Castiel Lire la critique complète


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Cette adaptation d'une comédie musicale à succès de Broadway déçoit à bien des égards.

Georges Privet Lire la critique complète