

  • Universal Pictures
  • Relativity Media
  • Marc Platt Productions


  • Universal Pictures

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Cette adaptation d'un roman de Ben Sherwood souffre d'un scénario pétri de bonnes intentions et de morale chrétienne, aux répliques peu inspirées.

Médiafilm Lire la critique complète

La Presse

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Fantaisie lénifiante et risible, aux connotations ésotériques, laquelle glorifie jusqu'à les mythifier les éternelles valeurs de l'amour et de la loyauté, Charlie St. Cloud propose des messages épais, c'est-à-dire facilement assimilables aux gens qui gardent précieusement Le Secret comme lecture de chevet.

Aleksi K. Lepage Lire la critique complète

Cinema Blend

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A movie  that basically takes place inside a Thomas Kinkade painting, with Nicholas Sparks-level ideas about human emotion and dramatic conflict. it's like a friend you're not that fond of sobbing sloppily on your shoulder. Zac, we love you, but we really didn't ask for this.

Katey Rich Lire la critique complète

The Los Angeles Times

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Everything about the story screams heartbreaking weepy, from its premise - two brothers, bad car wreck, one dies, the other left with mountains of guilt - to the tears that well up and settle into Efron's deep sea blue eyes.

Betsey Sharkey Lire la critique complète


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Those easily moved will sniffle as cued; anyone else is likely to remain dry-eyed. Though the narrative can't help but inspire some eye-rolling, director Steers does avoid some potential bathos via brisk pacing and glossy packaging.

Dennis Harvey Lire la critique complète

The New York Times

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Pop quiz: Name a current movie set in the Pacific Northwest in which a mopey young man with upswept hair who is frequently shirtless and played by an actor madly crushed on by millions of adolescent girls has unusually close relationships with the dead. If you guessed “The Twilight Saga: Eclipse,” you are of course not wrong, but the correct answer today is “Charlie St. Cloud.”

A. O. Scott Lire la critique complète

USA Today

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Director Burr Steers throws in the occasional picturesque Northwestern coastal shot, but Efron is lovingly photographed throughout, from a tight shot on his piercing blue eyes gazing into the heavens to a lingering focus on his toned abs and broad shoulders.

Claudia Puig Lire la critique complète