


  • Good Universe
  • Point Grey Pictures
  • Universal Pictures


  • Universal Pictures

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 Hélas, pour alerte qu'il soit, ce récit d'apprentissage s'avère répétitif et manque cruellement de profondeur, ses aspects les plus sombres ayant été relégués à l'arrière-plan (divorce des parents, harcèlement, solitude des enfants différents, etc.).

Charles-Henri Ramond Lire la critique complète

The Wrap

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The novelty of kids cursing wears thin, but the feelings of outsider-dom remain relatable and hilarious.

Monica Castillo Lire la critique complète


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Now, that inside voice has gone and made a movie, along with all the other inside voices we have when we're young. Good Boys knows how to make us laugh because it knows the people we once were, and maybe still secretly are.

Bilge Ebiri Lire la critique complète

Rolling Stone

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The spiritual prequel of Seth Rogen and Evan Goldberg's 'Superbad' feels like it was made for and by 12-year-olds.

Peter Travers Lire la critique complète


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That bombardment of playful profanity was mostly enough for me, and even though the humor is pushed so hard that is masks attempts to get into the thoughtful messages that are ever so slightly present, this will certainly be a movie tweens will be watching in secret from their parents for years to come. 

Matt Rooney Lire la critique complète

Cinema Blend

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At a time when excellent R-rated studio comedies are in short supply, this one is well worth your time.

Eric Eisenberg Lire la critique complète