




  • Rovio Mobile
  • Sony Pictures Animation
  • Sony Pictures Imageworks (SPI)


  • Sony Pictures

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Revues de presse

Cinema Blend

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The ultimate proof that Hollywood originality is dead. But kids will revel in its bright, dumb fun, even if adults will be disappointed that its terrific ensemble weren't given more to work with.

Greg Wakeman Lire la critique complète


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Rich in color, energy and perfectly dreadful puns, this film adaptation of the Finnish gaming phenomenom surpasses all cynical expectations.

Guy Lodge Lire la critique complète

Entertainment Weekly

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Can Red step up and save the day before the island's future offspring are turned into omelets? Can the audience endure 1,001 pork puns and flock-you cracks in the interim? The answer to both questions is a solid-enough yes that Birds won't likely be the last app-to-movie adaptation. Your move, Candy Crush.

Leah Greenblatt Lire la critique complète


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Étourdissante et très colorée, cette genèse des personnages d'un populaire jeu vidéo pour applications mobiles envoie cependant aux enfants un message anti-immigration et pro-violence plutôt douteux.

Louis-Paul Rioux Lire la critique complète

Agence QMI

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La trame sonore est surprenante et inclut des pièces de groupes ou artistes aussi variés que Black Sabbath, Scorpions, Limp Bizkit, Blake Shelton, Imagine Dragons, Rick Astley... et même Demi Lovato qui reprend I Will Survive! Pas de doute, Angry Birds: le film est du bonbon qui met de bien bonne humeur et qui fait oublier les aléas de notre météo printanière!

Isabelle Hontebeyrie Lire la critique complète

The Los Angeles Times

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If the screenplay verges a little too much on the homiletic, with messages about family and accepting who you are, in terms of storyboard-storytelling (a specialty of co-director Reilly) the quality of visual imagination is very high.

Robert Abele Lire la critique complète

Rolling Stone

Très bon
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It's hard to hide the fact that Angry Birds has been repackaged way past the time when the game was a peak obsession. Still, there's no denying the movie's high spirits or its irresistible invitation to shake your sillies out.

Peter Travers Lire la critique complète


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The Angry Birds Movie isn't a total turkey. The animation itself is OK and I did laugh out loud once when a poem written by Bomb rhymed « hate » with « detonate. »

Susan Wloszczyna Lire la critique complète


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Rich in color, energy and perfectly dreadful puns, this film adaptation of the Finnish gaming phenomenom surpasses all cynical expectations.

Guy Lodge Lire la critique complète

The Wrap

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As for moviegoers, we've just been encouraged to spend 90 minutes playing with our phones instead.

Alonso Duralde Lire la critique complète

The Los Angeles Times

Très bon
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Pas le choix de rendre à Rovio (le studio finlandais derrière Angry Birds) ce qui revient à Rovio : le passage du jeu sur grand écran est réussi comme un tir précis au lance-pierre sur un bâtiment fragile de cochons verts.

Hugo Meunier Lire la critique complète