


  • BBC Films
  • Endgame Entertainment
  • Valhalla Motion Pictures
  • Kingsgate Films
  • Mandate Pictures
  • New Line Cinema


  • Warner Bros. Canada

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Sans être un bon long métrage, «A Very Harold & Kumar Christmas» demeure ce volet que les fans attendent avec impatience : un grand délire qui nivelle l'intelligence vers le bas, mais qui sait néanmoins divertir.

Martin Gignac Lire la critique complète


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Totalement stupide, grossier, brut et irrévérencieux à l'extrême, Harold et Kumar fêtent Noël est exactement ce qu’attendent les fans.

Liz Braun Lire la critique complète

The Gazette

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The upshot of this nonsense is crude and vulgar, of course – at times it makes The Hangover look like something by Ingmar Bergman – and what’s more, it’s crude and vulgar in a totally inappropriate way that not only insults several major religions (you should see what Jesus is up to in heaven) but glorifies the use of drugs, treats sex with callous offhandedness and is perfectly willing – not to say eager – to stop the proceedings to make jokes about private parts.

Jay Stone Lire la critique complète

Cinema Blend

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Harold & Kumar's heart is in the right place. Now if only they’d found a way, as they did with the previous films, to also make it funny.

Josh Tyler Lire la critique complète


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For the third time around, Harold and Kumar are still hard to resist. It may be difficult to keep these characters fresh for another outing, yet you never know, I’m sure there is some wacky adventure that is just waiting to happen.

Jimmy O Lire la critique complète

The Hollywood Reporter

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So A Very Harold & Kumar 3D Christmas is, like its predecessors, a mildly diverting naughty comedy, lacking the pure comic nastiness of Bad Santa or the sheer audacity of Up in Smoke.

Kirk Honeycutt Lire la critique complète

USA Today

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Harold and Kumar's Christmas movie is silly, if uneven, fun. While it mocks 3-D technology, it also makes relatively fresh use of it and qualifies as the most ambitious of the trio of films. It also pokes fun at tired holiday movie conventions. And for a three-quel about comically predictable altered states, its plot offers a few surprises.

Claudia Puig Lire la critique complète

Rolling Stone

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You get my point. We're getting more of the same, but less of the impact, like weed from a bad dealer. It's not long before Harold, or Roldy as Kumar calls him, is high again, pushing past weed into cocaine, Ecstasy and crack.

Peter Travers Lire la critique complète

The New York Times

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Though perhaps more hilarious to some folks than others. If the sight of a baby covered in powdered cocaine offends you, you are an idiot for having gone to a Harold and Kumar movie.

Neil Genzlinger Lire la critique complète


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Reste que les bonnes idées comiques sont aussi nombreuses que les gags faciles ou ratés. L'interprétation possède la vigueur et la bonne humeur requises.

Médiafilm Lire la critique complète