



  • Universal Pictures

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Cependant, le scénario est informe et les gags outranciers deviennent vite répétitifs. Sean Combs et Rose Byrne volent souvent la vedette aux deux acteurs principaux.

Médiafilm Lire la critique complète


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En fait, le simple fil conducteur est étiré sur 109 longues minutes où les blagues ont tendance à se répéter inlassablement. Une bien mauvaise idée, surtout que le rythme est déficient et que la mise en scène, extrêmement limitée, ne sait jamais vraiment comment se servir de son agréable trame sonore, qui peut notamment compter sur des airs entraînants de Goldfrapp et de Mars Volta.

Martin Gignac Lire la critique complète


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Comme dans la majorité des productions de Judd Apatow, la qualité des gags varie grandement de l'un à l'autre. Mais au final, Get Him to the Greek est hilarant assez souvent pour valoir le détour.

Kevin Laforest Lire la critique complète

The Gazette

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Brand's screen appeal actually came as a significant revelation, because he's frequently just obnoxious and vain, but with some decent writing and a startling amount of performance depth, he delivers a broken rocker's fractured soul to the screen.

Katherine Monk Lire la critique complète

La Presse

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Surprise : Get Him to the Greek respecte son mandat de grosse comédie franchement débile.

Aleksi K. Lepage Lire la critique complète

Cinema Blend

Très bon
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The fact that much of Greek is funny - crassly funny, sometimes obviously funny - saves it, and may even allow you to forgive its indulgences and sing along to the song about furry walls at the end.

Katey Rich Lire la critique complète

USA Today

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The concept is inspired, and the movie has some very funny moments. But about halfway through this long weekend, the frantic tale grows flimsy. The improvisational charm of Russell Brand as Snow becomes as weedily thin as the comic himself.

Claudia Puig Lire la critique complète

The Los Angeles Times

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The film's funny and compelling moments are overshadowed by all the raunchiness.

Betsey Sharkey Lire la critique complète


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Yet "Sarah" director Nick Stoller has mostly pulled it off, capitalizing on the wretched excess the rocker lifestyle embraces to deliver a number of gross-out moments almost worthy of "The Hangover."

Brian Lowry Lire la critique complète

The New York Times

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But Aldous, played by the brilliantly unpredictable Russell Brand, is more than a pop-culture museum piece or a MacGruber-like bit of sketch comedy nonsense. He has feelings, ideas and a dollop of talent to go with the uncontrolled appetites; even though he's narcissistic and self-destructive, he is also kind of fun to hang around with.

A. O. Scott Lire la critique complète