

  • Media Rights Capital
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Mal écrit, réalisé à l'emporte-pièce, noyé sous un déluge verbal, ce carnaval d'humoristes jouant en solo n'a rien pour le recommander.

Médiafilm Lire la critique complète

La Presse

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Le résultat : une comédie d'action loufoque, bavarde et sans prétention, bonifiée par l'efficace présence de Jesse Eisenberg.

Sylvie St-Jacques Lire la critique complète

Cinema Blend

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Despite a heartfelt performance from Eisenberg that gives the movie some emotional heft, 30 Minutes Or Less isn't really about anything, which makes it possible to laugh along with some goofy violence but also difficult to remember much about it once it's over.

Katey Rich Lire la critique complète


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It's really too bad 30 Minutes or Less turned out to be a dud, as there was a lot of potential there, and at times it comes frustratingly close to being a good film. Too bad, although I have faith that we'll be seeing a lot better from all involved before long. Call this an honest misfire.

Chris Bumbray Lire la critique complète

The Hollywood Reporter

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Among other sad aspects to this particular movie is the depressing sight of otherwise good actors trapped in such sheer badness and the small wonder that this would be the next project Jesse Eisenberg would choose following his well-deserved best actor Oscar nomination for The Social Network.

Kirk Honeycutt Lire la critique complète

Rolling Stone

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The movie is just an excuse for laughs that come fast, fat and raunchy.

Peter Travers Lire la critique complète

USA Today

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Manic and mean-spirited, it's a movie that wastes the talents of its stars with feeble jokes and a wobbly plot.

Claudia Puig Lire la critique complète

The New York Times

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If you tune out the dialogue, which is packed with raunch that has neither rhyme nor story reason, there are passable moments.

Manohla Dargis Lire la critique complète