

  • Alcon Entertainment
  • Black Label Media
  • Jerry Bruckheimer Films
  • Lionsgate


  • Warner Bros. Canada

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Revues de presse

La Presse

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Au bout du compte, l'exercice est divertissant, efficace, mais ne crée ni ne laisse aucun sentiment. Un travail paresseux. Boum! Boum! Boum! Et c'est fini.

André Duchesne Lire la critique complète


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Ce retour de la cavalerie à l'ère des bombardiers B52 est orchestré de manière efficace et spectaculaire par le nouveau venu Nicolai Fuglsig, photojournaliste danois ayant fait ses gammes dans la publicité. 

Louis-Paul Rioux Lire la critique complète

The Wrap

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There?s wit, tension and intelligence in this tale of the first US troops to enter the country after 9/11.

Inkoo Kang Lire la critique complète


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Chris Hemsworth leads a Special Forces unit in Afghanistan in the weeks after 9/11. But can an "authentic" war drama be a facile action movie?

Owen Gleiberman Lire la critique complète

Rolling Stone

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Military drama about Green Berets operating behind enemy lines ? and on horseback ? doubles as a tribute to courage under fire.

Peter Travers Lire la critique complète

The Hollywood Reporter

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What's they've made is, from the American perspective, a feel-good movie about Afghanistan, something it took Jerry Bruckheimer to figure out how to do.

Todd McCarthy Lire la critique complète

Cinema Blend

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12 Strong knows it has an interesting story to tell with a unique perspective, and it tells it well with a collection of talented actors and some legitimately gripping action.

Eric Eisenberg Lire la critique complète